Increase bike mileage: 14 Easy Tips

Bike mileage, also called fuel economy, refers to the number of kilometres a bike can travel on a certain amount of petrol. A high bike mileage means that the bike can travel long distances on a low amount of fuel.

Having a high bike mileage is always an advantage as it leads to a lot of saved costs. As petrol and fuel prices continue to rise all over the world, it is becoming more and more important for vehicles to have high fuel economy, so that refilling the vehicle often does not burn a hole in the owner’s pocket.

That being said, there are some easy ways to increase the mileage on your bike, and add some extra savings: 

Ride responsibly 

Your bike’s mileage depends a lot on how you use the vehicle. If you ride at moderate speeds, and avoid harsh actions, the mileage will be high. However, excessive and sudden braking or accelerating, riding on rough roads, riding at extremely high speeds, etc. can lead to low mileage. Thus, ensure you ride responsibly and carefully to increase your bike mileage.

Use high quality fuel

Using low quality fuel might be tempting to some due to its lower costs, but it ultimately damages your bike. Using high quality, premium petrol will keep your engine healthy and also serve you better in the long run. Lower quality fuel can burn faster, while higher quality fuel can last longer, thus increasing your bike mileage. 

Service the bike often

Regular servicing is a sure fire way to increase your bike mileage. When you service your bike regularly, you ensure that the parts of the bike are not overloaded or put under undue stress. If all components of the bike are working well and in harmony, then the overall efficiency of the bike increases, and the bike mileage also automatically increases.

Check the wheels

The wheels and tyres are important factors determining the bike mileage. Misaligned wheels, poorly inflated tyres or tyres with worn treads are all detrimental to the bike mileage. When wheels and tyres are proper, the bike does not have to work very hard to remain in motion. However, if they are damaged or worn, then tyres will drag and the bike will burn more fuel to keep running. Keeping the wheels and tyres in good condition is an effective way to increase bike mileage. 

Keep notes

It is important for bike owners to be aware of the bike’s performance over time. You should always keep an eye on the speeds and distances you travel, what kind of fuel you use, when you service your bike, etc. This will help you remain alert regarding any damage or reduction in the bike’s performance. Furthermore, resetting the trip metre each time you fill up the tank helps you keep track of how much distance gets covered on a full tank. Keeping notes about the performance of the bike can go a long way in increasing bike mileage. 

Avoid idling

When you stop your bike at a traffic light or in a traffic jam, always make sure your engine is switched off. When you idle, your engine is still working and fuel is getting burned even though the bike is stationary. This is a major waste of fuel and can reduce mileage a lot. So, whenever the bike is stopped, ensure that the engine is switched off to increase bike mileage. 

Reduce overloading

The more weight the bike has to carry, the more fuel it will burn and the lower its mileage will be. Keeping this in mind is very important. Try not to burden the bike too much by putting unnecessary luggage or taking more than one pillion rider. Keeping the weight on the bike to a minimum can increase bike mileage and conserve fuel. 

Avoid modifications

Altering or replacing the original components of the bike can affect the fuel economy. If you want to increase mileage, it is best to use the bike with the manufacturer’s parts and avoid custom modifications like extra-wide tyres or different air filters, etc. 

Adjust carburettor settings

This is one method of increasing mileage that most people are unaware of. The carburettor settings control the fuel usage in the engine. A well tuned bike can conserve fuel well and increase bike mileage by a lot. It is important for bike owners to refer to the manual or consult with a mechanic and adjust the carburettor settings to optimise fuel economy. 

Park in shaded areas

Not a lot of people realise this, but parking in sunlight can reduce bike mileage. When you park your bike in a hot, sunny area, especially for long hours, the fuel in your tank starts to evaporate.This fuel is wasted and thus cannot be used by your bike. This in turn would result in you having to refill petrol more often. Thus, parking in shaded areas or garages can increase your bike mileage by conserving your fuel and avoiding wastage. 

Keep an eye on the chain

The chain of the bike can get dirty and grimy if the bike is being driven in an area that is dusty or sandy. When the chain is crusted with dirt, it is not lubricated properly. This means that it is hard to rotate the chain freely and therefore the bike will need more power to rotate it. This will take up more fuel and decrease the mileage of the bike. Keeping an eye on the bike chain between service intervals is very important. The chain has to be cleaned and oiled properly to increase mileage. 

Avoid heavy gear shifting

Constant and harsh gear shifting puts a lot of load on the clutch. Shifting gears too frequently, quick gear shifts, shifting at high speeds or driving at very low gears – all can damage the engine. This leads to a low bike mileage. Shifting gears only when required and riding at appropriate gears can increase your bike mileage a lot. 

Keep the speed constant

Most bikes come with a recommended constant speed that is optimal for that model. This speed is called the ‘economy speed’. Most two wheelers generally have 50 to 60 kmph as the economy speeds. When you ride the bike at this recommended speed, without braking or accelerating too much, a lower amount of fuel is used to keep the bike in motion and thus, bike economy increases. 

Change engine oil regularly

Engine oil is responsible for protecting and lubricating the engine. Dirty engine oil can harm the engine and reduce its overall efficiency. When the overall performance of the engine is affected, the bike mileage is also impacted. Changing engine oil regularly, according to the manufacturer’s instructions, and using high quality engine oil can help keep the engine healthy and thus increase bike mileage. 


Increasing bike mileage leads to the bike travelling greater distances on lower amounts of fuel. Since the bike does not need to be constantly refuelled, high mileage saves a lot of money and is a huge advantage for the owner. Maintaining the bike’s wheels, chain, engine, carburettor and getting it serviced often, riding responsibly at moderate speeds, and avoiding overloading the engine are some easy ways in which bike mileage can be increased. 



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